
McKinney Art Walk

Today is the McKinney ART WALK at the downtown square.
I will have a display downstairs in the Antique Company Mall featuring some of my frames, altered art and soldered charms.

I love using Ella~ments usually found tossed in a drawer, garage or even the junk pile.

Old faucet handles and smashed bedsprings just shout out "I am a flower" to me!

My Dear Hubby makes these wonderful soldered charms.

Stop by if you can...

(The sale was a success. My booths were busy!)


  1. wish I was there today!! I would definitly shop! Hope you have a great sale

  2. You have a beautiful style! I hope you sell out today!...and create an even bigger fan base. Have fun!

  3. Let me know how it went! Hope you sold a lot of your beautiful goods!
