
Need more hours in the day...

I have more to do today than hours in the day. Does anyone else need 36 hour days right now? I do not have time to blog, but I thought it would get me off on a good foot for the day. Starting and finishing a post is always a good feeling of completion. Hopefully this will influence my to do list. Of course I have so many photos I want to post, it is overwhelming when I try to figure out what to put out there next. My Nana blog is way behind because I have a million pictures to share, and I just do not know where to begin!
Photos of my McKinney booth are always easy to come up with, because I try to take pictures every time I add new stuff. I keep my inventory on my computer, but my brain also needs a visual inventory. In the above photo I have old piano music coming out of the side of an old sewing drawer. I love to scatter the paper around . You have to read the words from the bottom to the top for them to make sense. This piece says... "Girl of my dreams, I love you." During this hectic season, remember to play!

1 comment:

  1. Yes I need those hours in a day too!!!! However I love your pics, it all looks great!! Blessings, Janna
