
A few faves around the house

Flowers are easy to dry. When the flowers that your honey brought you start to bow their heads, just bundle the stems up with a rubber band and hang them in a dry, 
cool place like the garage.
(the rubber band stays tight as the stems shrink...)
Before you know it, you have a beautiful dried bouquet!

Good Bedding
Cozy linen sheets are a luxury I recently discovered.  
They are warm in the Winter and cool in the Summer.

 Early Seasonal Touches
 You know how your house always looks so bare after taking all of the 
Holiday decorations down?
My solution is bringing in a few early sprinkles of Spring. 
You just can't go wrong with an old ladder, washboard and lavender.

These are two of my favorite finds. 
I picked up the white coral while Island beach combing. 
The cactus skeleton was buried in the mud at my Dad's lake house at
 Ft. Phantom Lake near Abilene, TX.
Both had to be soaked in water and bleach, rinsed and
laid in the sun to get them clean.

Take time to enjoy the little things!