
On this Farm

I have this thing for naming the buildings out at our farm. 
The first ideas don't always stick or they evolve into a form from the original thought.
The biggest outbuilding started out as Bluebird Barn because of the bluebird houses outside the doors,
 It was kind of a tongue twister for this Texas accent and the grandkids, so it quickly became Birdie Barn. 
So much better. A nod to my mom, Birdie.

It's all about family anyway, right?

Well, the green barn (soon to be aqua) was called the corn crib barn by the previous owners because it was used to store corn back in the old days. 

Part of the year the barn is occupied by a mama turkey buzzard and her babies. 
She will hiss at you some and fly out with her six foot wing span, land on the tin roof and watch you until you leave. 
So, it became known as Buzzard Barn.

Next to those buildings is Mr. Ella's barn. The tin used for the roof had been torn off another old barn, leaving tiny nail holes that dot the ceiling. Even though most of them are sealed with silicone, the light still sparkles through. It takes me to another world when I walk in and look up. All that goes with farming is housed below this starry sky. 
None of the names that I have tried have jived yet, but
 I know the perfect one is out there, it just may take a little time!


  1. What an amazing barn. I could live in there..LOL
    That metal ceiling with the holes to let in the light is wonderful.

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