
Changes at the Antique Mall

I have been making a few changes  lately.
 You will notice the first one as
you walk up to the front door of the Antique Mall.

 My space now extends to the front window.

I am trying to find unusual pieces to place in this space. 
Which is quite a challenge these days beating those other dealers to that cool stuff!

 My booth is to the left as you enter the store.
It is now long and skinny instead of deep where there had to be a walkway down the middle.

 My little birdies are spotted everywhere!

 I thought placing tiny bottles over the lights in the planter box would give it that little touch of sparkle.

I would love for you all to come by for a visit!


  1. Your space looks awesome - love all of the architectural elements!

  2. Would that I were closer, ...sigh:(
    But I so enjoyed my virtual shopping trip. Your booth is gorgeous!
    New follower,
