
Let me show you a few more changes at the Antique Company  Mall.  One of the biggest improvements lately will be one you might not even notice. All of the red railing has been painted black and the green walls have been painted cream. It now looks sharp and current.

You will be greeted as you walk in the front door by my space on the left and down a little bit on the right is Colorado Nancy's space. We call her that because she spends so much time at her other home in Colorado. I am called Bird Nancy. No surprise there... Anyway, Nancy just expanded her booth and it is fabulous. 
She has the touch for display.

The name of her business is Uncommon Goods. 
Very fitting because she finds the bestest  fun junk!

These statues with character sold soon after she brought them in.

I know someone who needs this sign...
Stop by and see us. We are open 7 days a week!


  1. Oh my goodness!! I do need that! Is it old and where did it come from? I am so jealous that Amy gets to see your new house! Hope to see you soon-

  2. Nancy, I love the round column, is it wood or metal? Your booth and Nancy's booth also looks great!

  3. Molly, I thought you would like that sign! It is not old, but painted on an old board.
    The round column is wooden and is huge.
    Thanks for stopping by girls! Miss ya...

  4. That antique photo frame is so good. is it metal?

    ~ Herman Swan
