

Homework for the day

I woke up this morning feeling like I had been run over by a truck and then it backed up and ran over me again. Ever have those mornings? I have a blog post in my mind, but this photo is all I could manage to get posted for now. Giggle. Something we should do every day, something we should hear every day, and something we should encourage in others every day.

I am involved in a three day Vacation Bible School which started last night. Part of the time was spent outside in the 120 degree heat. Actually, it was only in the '90's, but it was not a dry heat! For those of you who do not live in Texas, it stays hot after sunset and does not cool down through out the night. Anyway, I was in charge of the four year old class. What a precious age. What sweet innocent giggles they have. Our theme for VBS is A Prayer Safari . Well, we felt like we were in Africa. Did I mention it was hot?

So, today my assignment to myself and to you is to laugh any chance you get.

You know it is contagious....

"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones."

Proverbs 15:30


Garden Antqs Vintage said...

One of my absolutely favorite proverbs. Thanks for the reminder. I think I know sometimes I allow life to hinder me from laughing and I REALLY enjoy a good laugh. I do believe it's good for the soul and it is the best medicine I know of. You are such a blessing and I hope you have such fun with the kiddos. Do try and stay cool, if that's possible. Have a good day my friend, T

Margo said...

bless you for doing VBS. I did it for several years, and it's just not my gift. I could organize it all day, but to actually work it, not my cup o tea. Hope you can stay cool, drink lots of water.

bunnytrails said...

Amen sista! You are a trouper, cause I know how you HATE hot weather. I pray God will bring sweet breezes your way during VBS.